Who Is a Good Candidate for Votiva Treatment?

There are many intimate health issues that women go through. Here, we discuss those for which the procedure would be the right fit. Read on to know if the symptoms you’re seeing are actually something of concern, and if they are, know if you’re eligible for the treatment.

Before you start looking into all about Votiva treatment cost, the treatment process, precautions to take, etc., it’s important to know if you’re even the right fit for Votiva Feminine Rejuvenation. To put it simply, women of all ages who experience any of these symptoms can benefit from the Votiva treatment: loss of vaginal tone, urinary incontinence, pain with intercourse, vaginal dryness, wrinkling, and/or lack of sensation during sexual activity. In this article, we’ll talk about how these signs manifest and what they mean. This write-up is a go-to guide on Votiva treatment. Get to know all about the procedure here.

  • Loss of Vaginal Tone

Sometimes, pregnancy & the corresponding vaginal delivery leads to stretching & trauma. This results in the loss of vaginal tightness. However, it usually occurs when an expectant mother delivers a large baby or two or more newborns. The other reasons are having forceps delivery & aging. In certain cases, the condition may lead to the reduction of the woman’s sexual drive. Even her body image may get distorted. Other symptoms that she may experience include reduced or lost sensation during sex. As you may have guessed, this significantly affects the quality of life of the said individual.

  • Urinary Incontinence

Usually, it occurs in the elderly but old age isn’t always the cause. It is a condition wherein there is a loss of bladder control, so much so that this could occur in the affected individual as he/she sneezes or coughs. Sometimes, the urge to urinate might be so sudden and intense that the person may lose bladder control while getting to a toilet.

There are some drinks that stimulate this condition. These include alcohol, caffeine, sparkling water, & carbonated drinks. If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s time that you start doing your research on Votiva treatment costs.

  • Pain with Intercourse
Women can experience such pain during or after physical intimacy. They could feel the pain deeper in the pelvis or in the vagina. Any vaginal pain could be caused by: an infection–thrush or a sexually transmitted infection like gonorrhea, chlamydia, or genital herpes. Then, there’s menopause which can change the hormone levels, causing dryness in the vagina. This causes pain during sex. Another reason for this pain can be a lack of sexual arousal at any age. The individual may even be affected by Vaginismus. It is a condition in which the muscles around or in the vagina get tightly shut. This makes sex painful, or perhaps, impossible.

  • Vaginal Dryness
The vaginal walls stay lubricated with a thin layer of clear fluid. It keeps the vaginal lining healthy, thick, and elastic. The hormone estrogen helps maintain this fluid. But if there’s a drop in the estrogen levels, the vagina becomes dry. Estrogen levels can drop due to various reasons including childbirth and breastfeeding, surgical removal of the ovaries, radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer, or anti-estrogen medications used for treating uterine fibroids or endometriosis. Other reasons for vaginal dryness include Sjögren's syndrome, Douching, certain antidepressants, Allergy and cold medications, or inadequate foreplay before sex.
  • Vaginal Wrinkling

With age, the rate of collagen in the skin reduces. As a result, it loses elasticity, causing the formation of pronounced wrinkles not only on the face but also on the vagina. This lack of elasticity in the vagina is known as vulvovaginal atrophy. The other sign is vaginal walls thinning out, and becoming dry and inflamed. Another reason for VVA to occur is the decreased collagen and blood supply in the vulvar skin. In addition to this, if the affected person smokes or has less water intake, the matters only become worse. In this case, consult your GP for a Votiva Feminine Rejuvenation treatment.

  • Lack of Sensation During Sex
This happens due to various reasons. First is menopause, during which the estrogen levels significantly drop. As a result, the vaginal walls tend to become dry, thin, & less sensitive. Secondly, if the cortisol (stress hormone) levels are high, the estrogen levels fall. This causes the same effect as that during menopause. Thirdly, heavy lifting can lead to vaginal scarring. It can also contract the pelvic floor muscles. As a result, the blood flow reduces, and, thus, there is less sensation. Fourthly, if the person has experienced sexual trauma, it could subconsciously limit her sexual stimulation during intercourse.

If you’re experiencing any or all of these symptoms, talk to the qualified experts at Nexx MD. They have years of experience in administering the Votiva Feminine Rejuvenation treatment. To know about Votiva treatment costs, call them at 604-904-8888 or drop an email at info@nexxmd.com.


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