Teeth Whitening In Vancouver: Reasons to Get It Done

Your smile is crucial in casting a good first impression. You do not want to underplay its significance.

Everything that you eat impacts the enamel of your teeth. Chocolate, wine, coffee, you name it. And the hard fact is that though you may have excellent dental health due to top-notch dental hygiene measures, teeth do get discolored with time. Instead, it is one of the effects of aging. In such a case, a teeth whitening treatment becomes essential.

Simply put, it is a procedure wherein your teeth are bleached to look cleaner & whiter. And if you have a gummy & toothy smile, do your research and take the services of the best dermatologist in Vancouver. Get both these treatments done & see the fine change brought to your personality.

In case you have any doubts about teeth whitening, let’s make things easier for you:

Effective procedure

All that the treatment does is remove the stains on your teeth. Generally, discoloration occurs at a faster rate if you frequently have darkly pigmented beverages & food or tobacco. The dentists use Hydrogen Peroxide or the laser whitening technique to whiten the teeth brilliantly. 

Customized for everyone

Whether your dentist will use the laser whitening technique or Hydrogen Peroxide to bleach your teeth depends on the extent of teeth discoloration, affordability of treatment, and the time availability at your end.

Besides, tooth thickness, corrosion, etc., are other factors as per which your dentist recommends a treatment to you.

Safe administration

Retractors are used to lift your lips & cheeks so that their sensitive tissues do not get damaged during the application of Hydrogen Peroxide. For protecting gums, a gel is applied to them before the start of the treatment. So, all safety precautions are taken in your interest.

Also, only the best quality materials are used by qualified experts for the procedure.

Before treatment specialization

If you wish to get the desired results by using whitening gels at home, your dentist—who is a specialist in Teeth whitening in Vancouver—gives you all the instructions about the kind of gels to use & the time periods & frequency of their application.

After treatment care

The teeth are more prone to staining right after the treatment. So, many precautions need to be taken once the procedure is over. Avoid having beverages like coffee, tea, & red wine soon after. Similarly, pigmented berries & dark-colored sauces are a strict no.

But that’s not all. Many other things need to be avoided. The dentist will guide you through all of this.

Natural ways to whiten the teeth

Use baking soda

Brush your teeth with baking soda that has natural whitening properties. When scrubbed on teeth, it removes the stains. But this does not happen after a one-time application.

To get optimum results, this needs to be done regularly. Another good thing about using this agent is that it prevents bacterial growth inside the mouth by creating an alkaline environment. 

Reduce sugar intake

This is a piece of sage advice given by most parents. Reason being that bacteria—Streptococcus mutants—grow on the teeth by feeding on sugar. It is precisely this bacteria that causes gingivitis & plaque.

Besides, excessive sugar intake is harmful to the skin. And if you have a skin condition, consult the best dermatologist in Vancouver and get the proper treatment.

Increase the Intake of fruits & Veggies

Yes, having these is not only good for your overall health but also for your teeth. Frequently biting & chewing upon these removes the plaque that gets deposited on the enamel.

Specifically, pineapple & strawberry work wonders in this context. Moreover, the more vegetables & fruits you have, the better your gum health will be.

Regularly floss & brush your teeth

While brushing removes stains from the enamel, flossing removes plaque that becomes tartar if not removed on time. In fact, you may even lose teeth if plaque is not scrubbed off.

We also recommend regular cleaning sessions by your dentist to maintain the best dental hygiene.

That’s all, folks.

But keep in mind that if you’re resorting to using bleaching agents to whiten your teeth, do not use them every day, as this will dehydrate your teeth & make them sensitive to cold or warm temperatures. Also, various agents need to be used for different periods to get the desired results. Thus, it is not so that the longer you leave the agent on the teeth, the whiter they will be. Moreover, smoking is one of the major contributors to teeth discoloration. And this habit must be completely done away with.

Disclaimer: If you have a cavity or any kind of tooth decay, get that addressed first before getting a teeth whitening treatment in Vancouver. If you don’t, the decay will worsen and cause pain in your teeth.


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